Function Reference


Sends a string of characters to a control.

ControlSend ( "title", "text", controlID, "string" [, flag] )



title The title of the window to access.
text The text of the window to access.
controlID The control to interact with. See Controls.
string String of characters to send to the control.
flag [optional] Changes how "keys" is processed:
  flag = 0 (default), Text contains special characters like + to indicate SHIFT and {LEFT} to indicate left arrow.
  flag = 1, keys are sent raw.


Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0 if window/control is not found.



ControlSend works in a similar way to Send but it can send key strokes directly to a window/control, rather than just to the active window.

ControlSend is only unreliable for command prompts as that works differently to normal windows (seems to check physical states rather than accepting the keystroke messages). For normal windows ControlSend should be way more reliable than a normal Send - and yes it does send shift, ctrl, alt etc.



ControlCommand, Send



ControlSend("Untitled", "", "Edit1", "This is a line of text in the notepad window")